Neanderthals vs. Co-Magnons

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Hominid bones and teeth reveal a great deal of human traits. The analysis of these bones and teeth tell researchers an abundant amount of information about diet, movement, and grasping abilitys. We can infer what hominids ate by looking at their teeth. If there are large molars that is evidence that they ate seeds and vegitation. Shaper teeth showed that they would eat tough foods such as meat and fish. Also certain foods leave small marks in the enamal of the teeth such as fruits and grasses. The crystal structure of fossilized tooth enamal can give researchers a lot of information about what hominids diets aswell. A hominids skeletal structure can reveal a lot of information about its movements. the relationship beetween the angles of the pelvis and the spine provides evidence that hominids evolved from a hunched walk to an upright walk. This allowed them to reach more fruits and travle more efficiantly. When looking at the bone structure of a hominids hand there is evidence of elongated filangies, which are good for climbing. There is also evidence of calliced palms, similar to modern apes, which were good for use on rough surfaces like trees and rocks. The short legs of early hominids were not efficiant for long distance walking nor running at higher speeds. Through time hominids developed longer slimer legs that allowed them to walk longer distance for a longer duration of time. This enabled them to hunt vast distances or migrate towards a better source of food. The stocky muscular build of Neanderthals allowed them to thrive in a colder climate. They had thick bones which provide a stable base for more muscle which kept them warmer in the harsh climate. These are a few of the many secrets reveald by the skeletal structure of hominds. These evolved traits gave hominids the advantage over other species which eventually enabled us to dominate the

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