My Writing Style Analysis

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While doing any type of writings, there are many different styles that the writer can use to get his or her point across. Depending on the situation at hand, the style will change accordingly. There is personal writings, where the writer will bring out his or her emotions and feelings, and then there is a more business type of writing, which will be a little more serious and written to many people rather than just a few. In this past project in English 101, we had to explore both styles of writing, both personal and professional. We first had to write a letter, this was a personal letter to someone close to us like a mother or father. Then, we had to write very less personal and more formal writing, in the form of a front page newspaper article.…show more content…
In the personal letter, I was writing so freely and expressed all of my deepest feelings. I was scared about this new and very deadly epidemic so in my letter I let out all my emotions to my mom. Also during my letter, I was able to joke around with my mom even though I was in a very serious situation. I made a couple side jokes throughout the letter to help comfort my mom because she was so far away from me and my family. My overall tone in the letter was full of emotion and feelings. In the newspaper article, I had to show absolutely no feelings or emotions from my point of view. The only emotions I was able to convey were from other people I was writing on. When you do this in a newspaper article, you use quotes from other people and share those with your readers. My job, as the writer, was to stay neutral throughout the whole article and deliver the story to the best of my ability. This was another difficult task for me because me as a writer, I like to show a lot of emotion through my writing to really keep the reader involved and interested. I took hard work and a new perspective to help get me through writing the article with such a different and plain…show more content…
The organization of both the letter and the article were extremely different. While writing the personal letter to my mom, I didn’t have to go in any specific order or explain any details before others. It was just a letter between me and her and I wrote freely. I started off by explaining how my family and I were safe and none of us have been infected by the Yellow Fever. From there I wrote about what I was feeling at that exact time and moment. There wasn’t any certain detail I had to express besides the fact that I was ok and that I loved her very much. I talked about everything and anything concerning the epidemic. The newspaper was very different. I had to start the newspaper with a headline sentence or two. From there I had to talk about the most important aspects like whom it has affected, where it’s affecting, the damages and the prevention. After hitting many main points about the Yellow Fever, I had to go into detail about what others had to say. I quoted President Obama, the spokesman of the Center of Diseases Control and a couple of important doctors within the United States. I was not at all surprised when I realized the organizational pattern would be different. I have read many articles and written many letter and they always have a different pattern. As the organization changed, I knew the details would also be

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