My Favorite Types of Characters

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My personal favorite types of characters are ones that are well-constructed and have a strong, clear character arch. I would like them to be memorable. Ones that I can clearly define with only a few adjectives are very effective. Romance, however, depends on how the story is portrayed, and what *kind* of people they are. If it's creative and original romance dialogue, your auddience will love it. But if it's full of clichés and has no depth or meaning, it makes me squirm. I like sharp, clever humor. A subtle joke, or something a character does on impulse can be quite funny. My least favorite thing authors do is the complete OPPOSITE of my first point, which is making weak, feeble characters that have no backbone and can't stick up for themselves. Annoying characters are also a surefire way to make your whole story a pain in the side. My least favorite scenes in books are what is known as an "info dump." In which, the author spills out all necessary information in one scene- maybe in even one sentence- with the sole purpose to only have the story move forward. For example, if a character is very ill, and the family asks the doctor what is wrong with them... don't have the doctor say: "Oh, she suffers from an inflammatory condition of the lung—affecting primarily the microscopic air sacs known as alveoli." Your readers WILL put the book down. Instead, just tell us she has pneomonia. It's much easier and much more

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