Mrs. Frisby Book Report

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ENGLISH/2ND QUARTER BOOK REPORT 1. Title of the book: The title of the book is Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH. 2. Author: The author is Robert C. O'Brien. 3. Illustrator: The illustrator is Zena Bernstein. 4. Who are the main characters in the story? Describe them briefly. Mrs. Frisby is an adventurous and caring mother. Timothy Frisby is the sickly son of Mrs. Frisby who got knocked down by pneumonia. Nicodemus is the proud and helpful leader of the Rats of NIMH. Mr. Ages who was a friend of Jonathan Frisby. Jeremy the helpful young crow. 5. Where (setting) and when did the story happen? The story happened at the Fitzgibbon Farm during springtime. 6. What is the beginning of the story? Timothy got knocked down by pneumonia. 7. What is the problem of the story? The Frisby's home will be destroyed by spring plowing in the field so Mrs. Frisby has to move the house. Timothy also has to recover from his sickness. 8. How was the problem solved? Mrs. Frisby was able to move her house to a safer place in Thorn Valley with the help of the Rats of NIMH. Timothy got well through the medicine given by Mr. Ages. 9. What is the ending of the story? Mrs. Frisby was able to move her family’s home to a safer place in Thorn Valley. The Rats of NIMH were able to escape because of her warning about the exterminators who were coming to kill them. 10. What did you like best about the story? What did you like least? I like the part when Mrs. Frisby saved Jeremy from being tangled. It shows that everyone can be of help no matter how small they are. The part I like the least is when Brutus won’t let Mrs. Frisby inside the headquarters of the Rats of NIMH. We should be helpful to other people who are in need of help. 11. If there was one thing you could change about the story,

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