Mr.Gosodin Essay

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CASE STUDY QUESTIONS Warren E Buffett 2005 1. Market reaction: What does the stock market seem to say about the acquisition of PacifiCorp by Berkshire Hathaway? Specifically, does the deal create value? If so, for which party? What does the $2.55 billion increase in Berkshire Hathaway’s market value represent? 2. Choice of valuation methods: What do you think PacifiCorp is worth on its own before its acquisition by Berkshire? Which valuation method should you use to value PacifiCorp and why? Show clearly the steps to arrive at the following estimates in Exhibit 10: Enterprise Value as Multiple of: Revenue EBIT EBITDA Net Income 6,252 8,775 9,023 7,596 6,584 9,289 9,076 7,553 MV Equity as Multiple of: EPS Book Value 4,277 5,904 4,308 5,678 Median Mean If you need to use a discount rate to discount cash flows then an appropriate discount rate estimate for PacifiCorp is approximately 9%. 3. Bid assessment: How do you assess the bid for PacifiCorp by Berkshire Hathaway? How much does Buffett pay for PacifiCorp for its equity and as a whole? How do these values compare with the firm’s intrinsic values estimated above? 4. Past performance: How well has Berkshire Hathaway performed during 19652004? 5. Investment valuation: Evaluate Berkshire Hathaway’s investment in MidAmerican Energy Holdings in 2000. Using the information from Exhibit 6, calculate the net gain to Berkshire Hathaway in 2000 dollars. First, calculate the free cash flow accruing to Berkshire from MidAmerican each year from 2001 to 2004. Second, discount the cash flows to year 2000 and compare with Berkshire’s investment in MidAmerican. Assume tax = 40% on EBIT, discount rate r = 9%, growth rate for the steady period starting 2004 g = 2%. Correction: Exhibit 6, Balance sheets, Assets: “Properties, plants, and equipment” and “Goodwill” figures are “gross” amount, not “net”. Clearly state your

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