Mexican Drug Cartel Research Paper

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drug INTRODUCTION Over the years drugs have went from being a minor problem to being a huge worldwide problem. It has grown over the years from only a few types of drugs being available to numerous types being available. Also with the growing rate of drug problems, it has caused a growing rate in crime as well. HISTORY OF DRUGS The drug world started all the way back in the beginning when Columbus founded America in 1492, the first thing that happened was the Indians offered him tobacco.(Shmoop 2012). From then on drugs just…show more content…
They were like gangs but instead of being about power and crime they were al about drugs and money. One of the largest drug cartels is the Mexican drug cartel. The Mexican drug cartel is known for being murderous, dangerous, and remarkably effective at smuggling large quantites of illegal drugs into the united states.(Lacey 2009). The Mexican drug cartel is very structured although some don’t think they are a true cartel they are. Each cartel in each city such as Tijuana, Culiacan has it’s own leader. They manufacture the drugs methamphetamine, cocaine, and grow the marijuana. They then smuggle it into the United States to the big drug dealers wherever they are. They smuggle it because drugs are a huge demand in the United States and they will obtain more money. Aside from drugs they are also violent, and participate in gang activity to also have power with their fortune. Other syndicates and cartels are the Italians, and the Columbians. These three are responsible for most drugs in the United States other than methamphetamines. Nowadays Missouri is known as the drug capital of the…show more content…
Although there is never going to be a way to completely control drug crimes they do a good job of atleast managing it. The only thing that could be done better is trying to take down the big drug lords instead of always messing with the little guys who are scared to tell on the big guys. With drugs becoming the thing of today they are taking the proper steps needed to keep up with all of today’s drug issues and taking care of them in a fast manner and staying up with what is new and when it is new. CONCLUSION Drugs are always going to continue to grow and grow. With the growth of drugs and how readily available they are, the more crime is going to rise. In today’s society youth are becoming more involved in drugs and the youth are our future, and also our future criminals. Drugs always have been and always will be a serious problem that needs to be monitored and controlled the best as possible.
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