Messages About Human Nature in to Kill a Mockingbird

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To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, conveys many messages about human nature to the reader, and how the human race behaves.The novel in based in the 1930’s in southern United States. It tells the story of a white lawyer, Atticus Finch representing a black man who is wrongly accused of rape. Another character, Boo Radley is also victimised by the town through stereotyping. The books depicts that when humans don’t understand something, they make up excuses of how to justify why someone could believe a certain thing or behave in such a way. To Kill a Mockingbird also portrays the uniqueness of our world and how human nature is to accept certain beliefs and not others. Another important message conveyed by the novel is that people are essentialy good or essentially evil, which is necessary knowledge for adulthood and is shown through the book’s exploration of the moral nature of human beings. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a book which exposes it’s reader to many lessons about human nature. Throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the audience is exposed to the tendency by people to attempt to justify another persons thoughts or actions with made up excuses. An example of this taking place in the novel is how Boo Radley chooses to live in the Radley house in complete peace and quiet, however members of the town have a very hard time understanding it. The citizens make up rumours and excuses of why Boo Radley chooses to live this way in order to satisfy themselves. The logic behind the rumours and assumptions builds in ways such as, “The shutters and doors of the Radley house were closed on Sundays, another thing alien to Maycomb‟s ways: closed doors meant illness and cold weather only.” Although this may seem extreme and jumping to incorrect conclusions by readers from today’s society, it is displaying a way of human nature that is still very

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