Men In Black: How The Supreme Court Is Destroying America

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Running head: MEN IN BLACK: HOW THE SUPREME COURT IS DESTROYING AMERICA Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America Dr. Rickert Criminal Justice 330 September 24, 2009 Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America From the dawn of America as an independent nation there have always been certain inalienable rights that our fore fathers established via the Constitution that should be clear and unambiguous. These rights are further enforced and often interpreted by Supreme Court Justices that are appointed by the President and affirmed by Congress. The position of Supreme Court Justice has been shrouded in mystery from the earliest Justices in history to present day.…show more content…
However, we perceive members of the Supreme Court as being above such emotional attachments and exalt them to a position of demigod. They sit perched high above everyone else in their black robes of mystery deciding cases that they see fit to hear. To some degree they have created this air of unfamiliarity about them and their position. As Levin states, “They work in a cloistered setting hidden from public view” (2005, p. 1). Their power, which appears to be seemingly limitless, is derived from Article III of the United States Constitution, which basically states that judicial power is given to one Supreme Court that is established by Congress (Separation of Powers, 2009). There has been much speculation questioning that a Supreme Court Justice may have powers higher than that of the President of the United States? The foundation for the decisions that they make has to be derived from their sometimes-unqualified interpretation of the Constitution and its Amendments. Levin (2005) makes mention to the fact that it would seem most of the Supreme Court Justices in the past were relying on anything but the Constitution to guide their decision making…show more content…
He uses several facts in history that are irrefutable to showcase the many extreme lengths at which certain Justices will go for the sole purpose of furthering their own goals. However, on rare occasion he focuses on the Constitutionally trustworthy Justices and their court decisions that have shaped our wonderful nation. Just as there are Justices that have twisted the Constitution to suit their deranged views, there is an equal amount that have shown common sense, and morality in their interpretations of the law. The problem noted in his book is that there are tools set in place for the removal of Supreme Court Justices that have obviously lost their way and warrant such actions however this has not been exercised to the extent that is needed. Article II, Section four of the Constitution provides for the removal of many things to include civil officers such as judges (Levin, 2005). This is lack of impeachment is evident in the varying array of Justices that have been allowed to serve on the bench with clear motives other then what is Constitutionally
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