Materialism and American Dream

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Greed, Materialism, and the American Dream America has always been the land of opportunities. Even before its existence as a nation, many have come to this land to pursue what would later be known as the “American Dream.” Immigrants perceived America as a heavenly sanctuary, where families grew strong, food was plentiful, and ideas and religions were tolerant. However, amid all the gold rushes, the Industrial Revolution, the boom in middle-class prosperity of the 1950’s, the meaning of the American Dream has changed significantly. An evaluation of today’s American society simply portrays the American Dream as a mere number – a number of cars, a number of vacation houses, a number of stocks one has. America’s consumerist lifestyle has consumed the sacred essence of the American nation, the American Dream. Deviating from its original pristine image, the American Dream has become tainted by the greed and materialism of today’s society. Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun demonstrates the extent to which money can overthrow people’s lives and values. The film, which centers on a black family living in poverty in the ghettos of Chicago, explores the grasp which money has on those who seek the American Dream of upward social mobility. The main character, Walter Lee, manifests this, as he sacrifices almost all he has for his dream of becoming a successful businessman. This obsession destroys all that is important in his life: his marriage, his relationship with his sister and mother, and his pride. He is helplessly at the mercy of his unattainable dream; although at heart, he is a loving father, husband, son, and brother, his infatuation with money and his American Dream gets the best of him and nearly destroys his marriage and his relationship with his mother and sister. Walter Lee’s dream for monetary success takes over almost all aspects of

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