Assigning a Mentor MENTORSHIP DEFINED: “Mentorship is a mutually beneficial partnership in which a “Mentor”, who has greater experience and wisdom, guides a “Protégé, who is looking to increase his or her skills, knowledge, and experience, to develop both personally and professionally.” What exactly does a Mentor do? A Mentor is a person who oversees the career and development of another, usually junior, employee. Most simply stated, a Mentor helps the Protégé clarify career goals in order to develop and execute a Military/Civilian Individual Development Plan. The following are some roles that a Mentor will fulfill to the protégé. • Sage: Offering wisdom and advice in achieving personal and professional goals.
As a Seabee, it is my duty and responsibility to maintain the highest degree of integrity while serving my country with honor, courage, and commitment in the United States Navy. When I think of the word "integrity" as a person, I think naturally of pms checks. When we perform maintenance, we value the assurance that we have completed the check to the best of our ability, because the battalion relies on us to make sure the equipment has been inspected, both during PMS, and during prestart. As a member of naval mobile construction battalion eleven, I have been taught the importance of taking care of our civil engineer support equipment and ensuring the quality of their condition whenever we inspect and conduct maintenance on them. Every one of my shipmates' lives depends on my personal integrity in ensuring that our civil engineer support equipment are squared away.
He set a standard characterized as high quality leadership for his successors to follows and abide by. Ethical or moral leadership involves leading in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of others. The duties of leaders also include the responsibility for ensuring standards of moral and ethical conduct. An effective leader influences a subordinate's attitude and values. Therefore, a moral leader will stimulate a moral influence.
Air Force Core Values “The foundation is integrity, fortified by a commitment to the service of our country, and fueled by a drive in excellence in all that we do. The Air Force recognizes integrity first, service before self, and excellence as its core values. These are values every member must believe in, and more importantly, must live by. They are not just words, they are the standard. The core values are much more than the standard for work, they are a standard for life.
This vocation pursues a balance in which effectiveness prevails over efficiency as the key to becoming a professional. There are two key definitions which are crucial to understanding the Army as a Profession of Arms; The Profession of Arms and the Professional Solider. These two definitions are inherently linked together, members of the Armed Forces can be ordered to place their lives on the line daily where they undertake their well-being for the greater good which is why it is important to be a professional expert. It takes years and sometimes even careers to become an expert and it is important that the Army takes the time and spends the resources to ensure that Soldiers and leaders are developed properly both as individuals and as units. 2.
Espirit De Corps in a unit can be based on the experience and history of the unit as well as customs and traditions unique to it. The army as a whole works to improve Espirit De Corps by ensuring promotions and advancement are based on merit, and continuing to show that being “Army Strong” is something special to strive for.Military expertise is the ethical design, generation, support, and application of land power, primarily in unified land operations, and all supporting capabilities essential to accomplish the mission in defense of the American people. Military Expertise must be applied to develop expert knowledge, apply military expertise, and certify army professionals and organizations. The army develops expert knowledge by providing the best possible training for its soldiers and enabling senior enlisted and officers to pass down their experiences and knowledge to new soldiers. The army must also have an expert knowledge of the enemy and likely enemies they may face and the best tactics and strategies to combat them.
Again, in their basic manual they say, "… if we expect Marines to lead and if we expect Marines to follow, we must provide the education of the heart and mind to win on the battlefield and in the barracks, in war and peace." These principles are drummed into every new marine at the Marine Corps recruit depot san Diego California. They too will be found
My leadership philosophy is a fairly simple one that draws on a few key leadership traits and characteristics to shape the direction and vision in which I will lead my command. My leadership philosophy is: “Empowerment of Airmen to accomplish the mission…Respect, Commitment, Communication and Accountability are the keys to success.” By empowering the Airmen within the unit to accomplish the tasks at hand, the work of the unit gets done.1 As Col Henry Horton stated, “Leaders treat all human beings with dignity and respect, in all situations”.2 By showing un-wavering commitment to the unit, it’s personnel and the mission, a commander will show his or her genuine intent to lead an effective and productive organization. Col Horton also says, “Leaders regularly communicate both the mission and their vision to keep everyone focused.”3 Without good communication, a commander’s vision, intent and focus for a unit may be misunderstood or completely lost. Finally, accountability is a trait all effective leaders must possess. They must be “held accountable for their actions, and the actions of those personnel under their command”.4 A commander must also take the lead in holding those personnel within their charge
As my integrity grows, the trust in others will grow as well. I also build my personal courage by standing up on a day to day basis , and acting upon the things that I think are honorable. Finally Honor; I live up to all Army Values. It’s a matter of carrying out, acting, and living the values of respect, duty, loyalty, selfless service, integrity and personal courage in everything I
The Importance Of Accountability In The United States Marine Corps Today is very crucial.There are a number of different kinds of accountability in the Marine Corps today.The different forms of accountability range from the accountability of the marines in your squad or platoon. I will touch a little bit on this subject and hopefully be able to successfully explain to you why each form is important in its own way.First of all ill start with the accountability of your Marines and then eventually make my way through to the other forms of accountability. Having proper accountability of your Marines is very important and crucial in many different ways. Most importantly when you have the proper accountability of your marines, you succesfully know that the said name Marine is safe and not in trouble or in harms way,and more importantly you know exactly where the said name Marine is and you know if they are in the proper place that they are supposed to be and if they are there on time. Knowing where the said name marine is at all times eliminates the wasting of important time looking for them or wondering where they are,and can keep you from sacrificing mission accomplishment.