Marine Corps Leadership Class

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UNITED STATES MARINE CORP OUTLINE LEADERSHIP TRAITS INTRODUCTION: 1. GAIN ATTENTION: (Greeting of the day) My name is LCPL Herberger 2. PURPOSE: The purpose of this course is to provide you with understanding of the 14 Leadership Traits 3. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Understand the traits of leadership and implement them in everyday life. 4. METHOD OF MEDIA: I will teach this class using the lecture method with the aid of digital presentation 5. EVALUATION: There will be an oral evaluation over this period of instruction when I ask questions at the end of the class TRANSITION: Are there any questions over what will be covered, how it will be covered? BODY: 1. Purpose and Scope a. The objective of Marine Corps Leadership is to develop the leadership qualities of Marines to enable them to assume progressively greater responsibilities to the Marine Corps and society. b. Marine Corps Leadership qualities include: (1) Inspiration -- personal example of high moral standards reflecting virtue, honor, patriotism, and subordination in personal behavior and in performance. (2) Technical proficiency -- Knowledge of the military sciences and skill in their application. (3) Moral responsibility -- Personal adherence to high standards of conduct and the guidance of subordinates toward wholesomeness of mind and body.  JJDIDTIEBUCKLE  THE 14 LEADERSHIP TRAITS  1. Purpose  A. The objective of Marine Corps Leadership is to develop the leadership qualities of Marines to enable them to assume progressively greater responsibilities to the Marine Corps and society.  B. Marine Corps Leadership qualities include:  Inspiration - personal example of high moral standards reflecting  virtue, honor, patriotism, and subordination in personal

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