Mandatory Vaccination Research Paper

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Mandatory Vaccinations-by cnhuff “Does Jane know that she is endangering the population to not getting little Joe his vaccinations done?” This question could famously exist in many communities after parents find out that selected parents do not follow the doctor’s orders when it comes to vaccinations. This stigma may stand as the reason that vaccinations continue as medically necessary, furthermore, pushed as mandatory. The question for many individuals remain, just how safe are these vaccinations? The lion’s share of the public view vaccinations as safety nets that could prevent diseases and should stand as mandatory for everyone with very few exemptions in the population. However, philosophical beliefs, hazardous beliefs, and religious…show more content…
Some residents in the community may feel as if vaccinations are safe for children. A great deal of parents remain concerned about the hospital staff taking care of the children and if said staff is up to date with vaccinations, and some could argue that children with delicate health problems would stand endangered without that protection. “Proponents of mandatory vaccination argued that vaccination would protect nurses, their families and their patients, and that being vaccinated was part of the nurse's duty of care” (Practice Nurse, 2012). On the other hand, if those concerned have the children vaccinated then why that would remain a concern if vaccinations were effective exists as a possible oxymoron. Some individuals experienced negative effects of vaccinations (vaccine injury) and most likely will refuse to subject themselves or their children to more. Vaccinations may not stand proven safe within the materials used to make the vaccinations. A study reports a link between virus serology and brain autoantibody with autism; it collaborates the theory that a virus-induced autoimmune response may play an underlying role in autism (Singh, 1998). Some religious individuals also feel that vaccinations contain unclean…show more content…
A few key Christians may believe that God gave the “perfect” immune system defense to ward off the diseases and illnesses in the world. A common expression in a few local churches stands as this, “If God wanted you to vaccinate, then why did He bother to give the human race an immune system?” Religious beliefs can often clash with the ingredients in vaccinations. “Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen [plant] and woolen [animal] come upon thee” (Leviticus: 19:19 King James Version). This comes into play with the ingredients as some contain bovine (cow) fetal serum in the manufacturing process of vaccines (FDA, 2013). The fact that according to the constitution the government may make no law that infringes on person's freedom of religion comes into play lastly (U.S. Const. amend. I). If vaccinations become mandatory, a serious conflict possibly will occur between following the law and following beliefs. A tug of war no party wants to play. Parents who have made the choice to refuse, delay, or be selective about vaccines may appear to look irresponsible, when in reality very sound and scientific reasons for such choices remain. Each person has different worldviews, backgrounds, perceptions, and life experiences. Moreover, these all
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