Malcolm X's Strategies In The Civil Rights Movement

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Assess how effective Malcolm X’s strategies were in the Civil Rights Movement in America in the 1950’s and 1960’s. For a person to be effective they must achieve what they wanted many times and by doing this they gain respect and power. Malcolm X was thought of as an activist, an outspoken public voice of African American civil rights and a prominent leader of Nation of Islam, challenged the mainstream Civil Rights Movement and the nonviolent pursuit of integration championed by Martin Luther King Jr and promoted Black Nationalism that encompassed the belief in black separatism. Malcolm X urged his followers to defend themselves against white aggression thus not following the non-violent ways of other leaders. Malcolm X was one of America’s…show more content…
With varying degrees of success of Malcolm X’s strategies during this time period was Malcolm X as effective as he thought he was and did he fulfill his role to the best of his ability. Many people during this time were followers of Malcolm X but many also challenge if he was showing who he really is and how he really feels about this, This is shown through "Malcolm is a genius," said a man at the bar in the Shalimar. "All he cares about is Malcolm X and money." (February 25, 1965, Vol. X, No. 19 Malcolm X: The Complexity Of a Man in the Jungle) this quote leads many observations that can be taken from it, People thought Malcolm X was only doing this for himself and he was in it for the money but this is all challenged by how the man starts his sentence as he says "Malcolm is a genius," A reader can take this as support of Malcolm and his reasons this person would clearly do this the same way if he was in Malcolm X,s shoes. Having varying…show more content…
Malcolm X preached Black supremacy and Black Nationalism. Propaganda was used all throughout Malcolm X’s fight for Civil Rights during the 1950’s and 1960’s, Propaganda in the form of utilising speeches and having the ability to persuade people through these speeches, With this great ability he was able to gain mass following and become very popular and power full within the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X was a member of the NOI until 1962, when, allegedly, following a fallout with Muslim leader Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X formed his own organization, the black nationalist Organization for Afro-American Unity. He said he had formed the new organization because there were many African American people who were not religiously inclined to accept the Muslim faith, but were interested in active participation in the political, economic and social program of the black nationalists.(BLACK NATIONALISM An all-Negro Nation is one of the principal goals by Gary Allen, 1967)With preaching to his followers of a new way of life by living without the White Americans temptations, these temptations were put in place to get the African Americans to become out of order and become divided with this happening the White Americans would be able to sneak their was in a diminish the want for the
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