Make Peace, Never War

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"Make peace, not war", strong words that yield a powerful significance. War is never the answer yet, we have taken full advantage of it. We have fought and died for our rights before, but we have matured over the years, so can we not solve our issues without anger? War should be stopped, it kills the innocent, deprives the taxpayers of their money and can destroy the economy of others. First of all, when you think of war, of course you think of death. Think about all those soldiers who gave their lives for us and even the innocent who gave, no, lost their lives. According to statistics, the Iraq war we are in shows a pretty high death toll with 4,439 being U.S soldiers and over 100,000 being Iraqi civilians. War is wrong more innocent people die than soldiers. The proof is in the numbers, this must be stopped. second, War is expensive, a lot of our hard earned tax money goes toward funding this heinous deed. About $900 billion of U.S taxpayer money is spent on military defense. Think about the financial dread, we can be using that money for education purposes, healthcare and etc. Its all about war these days. For shame America. Furthermore, I'm not just thinking about the U.S. Even if the U.S has one of the strongest militias in the world, what happens to the countries we feud with? It starts with the attack on the heart of a country, the government. Their economies can dramatically alter, their government can be destroyed, What will be left? Just like Egypt today, their going to have to create a new government from scratch which can take years to function, How can we live knowing we destroyed a county? Nevertheless even though War is Wrong, it has its reasons to be right, yet it depends on how you look at it? War may be right when it comes to issue with defense. We need to be safe and protected, we need to be shield from attack, and whom better for the job,

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