Macbeth's Soliloquy Act 1 Scene 7

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The first argument Macbeth has against killing Duncan is not a logical argument, nevertheless a valid one. He is concerned, as even if he gets away with the assassination in this life, he is not sure of the consequences his present actions could have in the after-life. Punishment might not catch up with him so rapidly but it eventually could. Another superstitious reason Macbeth considers for not committing the crime, is that our attitudes could “Return to plague th’ inventor”, which means if we act in a violent way it will come back to us.
He then starts to develop the more logical arguments for not murdering Duncan. He is aware of the responsibilities he has both as a kinsman and as a host. He should be taking care of his King as Duncan is the father of his country and protecting him from whichever the threat, not causing it. Furthermore, Macbeth is deeply troubled as the man he is to kill, is in fact a great and very beloved King which has never abused his faculties. Consequently, nobody will forget what has happened with Duncan, and public opinion along with what people might think will always disturb him.
As for the emotions, Shakespeare makes us feel sympathetic towards Duncan, we agree with every argument Macbeth has against killing his King and reject any possibility of the murder actually happening. We can sense the goodness in Duncan and believe in his greatness as a King, for what we deeply desire Macbeth could realize the madness he wants to perform. We also feel sorry for the crossroad Macbeth is in, for he does not really want to do what he is about to but is pressured by Lady Macbeth.
As for the imagery, he fist describes a poisoned goblet to convey the idea of divine justice, of how the actions we commit come back to us in the future. In addition, Shakespeare uses the image of the angels to compare the virtues of Duncan against the actions of
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