Figurative Language In Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'

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Macbeth PCAST Act I, Scene 7 Line 1-5 If the crime of killing Duncan succeeds, it would be best if it was done quickly. If the assassination could catch everything like a net, taking and preventing any consequences, then the murder will “be-all and end-all” at PARAPHRASE this moment. Line 6-10 But here at this time, we’d risk the fate of my soul. For crimes like these we still have judgment, we still have punishment. Committing violent crimes teaches others to do the same which will come back to plague us. Justice, being equal to everyone… Line 11-15 Forces us to drink the poisoned cup that we give to others. The king trusts me twice as much for I am…show more content…
Shakespeare utilizes ‘done’ with two meanings (to perform or to accomplish) while not stating what ‘it’ really is. Macbeth’s soliloquy thus exhibits a contemplative and panicked tone, portraying the protagonist’s doubts on his proposed action to kill Duncan to the audience. CONNOTATION 2. Figurative Language- similes Shakespeare utilizes similes to give emphasis of Macbeth’s inner turmoil if he should kill Duncan. “...his virtues will plead like angels...deep damnation of his taking off” (line 19-20). Macbeth concludes that Duncan’s virtues will speak up for him at his murder just as angels will play trumpets to this injustice. Macbeth later compares Duncan to “a naked newborn babe” emphasizing his innocence and vulnerability once the act of murder has been done. The thought of killing a baby, a baby who has done nothing wrong, will bring tears to everyone who knows Macbeth’s evil deed. 3. Diction Words such as “virtues”, “justice” and “trust” are all used to describe Duncan at some point in the soliloquy. Shakespeare purposefully chose these words to convey Duncan as a blameless, virtuous king in which Macbeth knows, but yet have to overcome his conscience and kill. Other words such as “plaque”, “damnation” and “poisoned” are utilized to portray Macbeth’s guilt insinuating that he is not naturally inclined to commit evil
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