Macbeth vs. the Witches: Who Controls the Battle for Fate?

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Macbeth vs. The Witches: Who controls the battle for Fate? Belief in superstitions has always been a part of life all over the world. People and cultures from China to the United States and from everywhere in between have always had superstitions. Even the people from Shakespeare’s days held their own believes. They believed that their lives were completely controlled by fate, or influenced so strongly that they had very little control of the path their lives took. In William Shakespeare’s classic tragedy, Macbeth, the concept of free will is non- existent through the witches’ control. The fate controlling witches were introduced by thunder and lightning in the very first scene. This sets the tone of evil and darkness within the play. After the witches discussed when the next time they would meet would be, the third witch said, “There to meet with Macbeth” (I, i, 8). This showed that the witches already knew that they were going to meet with Macbeth. It also meant that Macbeth could not control meeting the witches. Macbeth had no idea he would be meeting with the witches. When the witches finally met up with Macbeth, they gave him three prophesies. “All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Glamis! / All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, thane/ of Cawdor! / All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king/ hereafter!” (I, iii, 48- 50). Macbeth was confused because he thought the Thane of Cawdor was still alive and he thought that it was impossible for him to become king. However, Planted in his mind was the idea of being king. Macbeth brought Lady Macbeth into it when he decided to send her a letter. Macbeth would have told Lady Macbeth anyways whether it was in a letter or by telling her in person when he returned to Dunsinane. Macbeth had no control over what Lady Macbeth told him to do. Lady Macbeth planed Duncan’s murder then forced Macbeth to kill his king by guilt

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