Macbeth- Tyrant Or Tragic Hero?

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Macbeth is often portrayed as a strong, noble soldier, brought to his downfall by none other than his commanding wife Lady Macbeth; however, in this essay, one is to uncover the truth behind Macbeth’s downfall. Was the manipulation from his wife the collapse of Macbeth or did ambition play its part… The play begins with Macbeth being the dignified, gallant soldier who has helped Scotland gain victory in the battle. He is therefore promoted to Thane of Cawdor. He is described as “Brave Macbeth” by the captain. He then goes on to elaborate, commenting, “Well he deserves that name”. The respect granted by this line enables Macbeth to feel powerful- the first degree of a Tragic Hero. To add, ‘brave’ creates a plosive sound, pursuing a noble feel to the scene. Despite this, there is a sharp contrast in Act 1; Scene 7 as Lady Macbeth and Macbeth plan to arraign the guards using the blood buried daggers that would be used in the murder. Macbeth hatches the plan, as he is in conversation with Lady Macbeth, he states, “When we have marked with blood those sleepy two”. Sleepy contains connotations of vulnerability and no use of self-defence, therefore meaning that the guards are helpless moreover Macbeth planning to frame them whilst at this vulnerable stage, infers the tyranny within. Aristotle’s theory on a Tragic Hero states that persuasion soon follows the self-indulgent of greatness. In this instance, his own wife, Lady Macbeth, convinces Macbeth to kill his best friend, Duncan. She insults his masculinity greatly, by calling him a coward. She says “Live a coward in thine own esteem”. In this patriarchy time, this mockery was a disgrace to Macbeth, thus he chose to act, rather than have his honour snatched from him. The imperative Lady Macbeth uses in ‘live’ derives that she has order and capability over her husband. Furthermore, in Aristotle’s theory he makes

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