Macbeth Symbolism Essay

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Three Symbols in Macbeth In Macbeth, symbolism is widely use in illustrating the overall theme of murder and the evil of man. Various types of symbols that lead to the destruction of Macbeth are depicted. When Macbeth first hears that he's been named the Thane of Cawdor, he asks Angus why he is being dressed in "borrowed" robes (I.iii.7). Macbeth doesn't literally mean that he's going to wear the old thane's hand-me-down clothes. Here, "robes" symbolizes the title of Thane of Cawdor that Macbeth thinks doesn't belong to him. Toward the end of the play, Angus says that Macbeth's kingly "title" is ill-fitting and hangs on him rather loosely, "like a giant's robe / Upon a dwarfish thief" (V.ii.2). Angus isn't accusing Macbeth of stealing and wearing the old king's favorite coat; he's accusing Macbeth of stealing the king's power by killing him and then strutting around with the king's title, which doesn't seem to suit him at all. We can also say that Macbeth's not worthy enough to fill the former king's shoes. Blood is a major symbol in Macbeth. Blood symbolizes Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s guilt because they feel that their murderous crimes have stained them in a way that cannot be washed clean. “Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand?” Macbeth exclaims after he has killed Duncan; his wife only scolds him and says that a little water will wash the blood away. Later, she comes to share his sense of remorse: “Out, damned spot; out, I say . . . who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?” (V.i.30-34) she laments as she wanders through the castle while sleepwalking. Blood symbolizes the guilt that sits like a permanent stain on the consciences of both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, one that haunts them to their graves. Darkness and light is used frequently in the play and symbolizes evil and good. In Shakespeare’s

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