Macbeth Questions Newington

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Macbeth Act 1 1) What atmosphere is created in the opening scene of the play? What is the effect? * ‘In thunder, lightning, or in rain?’ A storm is hinted upon in the first sentence or two, three haggard old witches appear from this storm. This creates a sense of evil and eeriness amongst the scene. The atmosphere is quite supernatural. A form of imagery is created threw the descriptive language in the opening scene e.g. ‘fog and filthy air’. The reader is left thinking who Macbeth is after being introduced to the witches and their characters. 2) Explain the meaning of the witches line “fair is foul, and foul is fair” (Act 1, scene 1, line 11) * The line ‘fair is foul and foul is fair’ is an exploitment of opposites. It’s difficult to understand and could mean a few different things. The witches are referring to their appearance in this quote as they’re foul looking and believe they’ll become fair (good-looking) after the battle. 3) What conclusions can we make about Macbeth from the descriptions we have of him in Act 1, scene ii? Find examples from the text. What is the effect of having these descriptions of him before we actually meet him? * Macbeth is constructed as a hero in the scene. The Sergeant describes him as “braved Macbeth”, and then adds, “Well he deserves that name”. The sergeant has just returned from the battle, he was fighting alongside Macbeth and praises him towards the king. This sets an image or expectation for us before we meet Macbeth that he is a brave warrior. We believe the sergeants words, as he is a witness to Macbeth’s bravery. * Further down in the scene King Duncan is convinced that Macbeth deserves the tittle and position of ‘thane of Cawdor’ after the Sergeant describes how he slew the traitorous Macdonwald, then when the sergeant leaves the thane of Ross delivers news that the traitorous thane of
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