Does Macbeth Open Up In This Scene? What Mood And Mood/Atmosphere Is Created?

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Macbeth Study Guide Act I, scene 1 1. How does the play Macbeth open up in the first scene? What tone/mood/atmosphere is created? 2. The last line “Fair is foul and, foul is fair” appears paradoxical. What do you think the witches mean? Act I, scene 2 1. What title is given to Macbeth for bravery in battle? 2. Macbeth does not appear in this scene, but the audience still learns a great deal about him. How is he portrayed? How does this portrayal build his character? Act I, scene 3 1.What are the three prophesies given to Macbeth by the weird sisters? Why does Macbeth take the last one so seriously? 2. What does Macbeth say in lines 127-144? Why are they said aside? 3. By the end of the scene, Macbeth decides…show more content…
Act II Act 2, Scene 1 1. When Banquo remarks that the night is especially dark, the audience can conclude that nature somehow reflects what is going on in the affairs of people. The dark night, in other words, reflects Macbeth’s dark desires. This is an example of PATHETIC FALLACY. What atmosphere is created through the use of this device in this scene? 2. What purpose does the scene between Macbeth and Banquo serve? What evidence is there that Banquo is suspicious of Macbeth? 3. In Macbeth’s aside in Act I, scene iii (beginning of line 140), the audience learns that Macbeth has an overactive imagination. To Macbeth, “Present fears/ Are less than horrible imaginings”. How would you describe Macbeth’s state of mind as he makes his way to King Duncan’s chambers? Act 2, Scene 2 1. What evidence is there that Lady Macbeth is not as strong as she would like be? What does she warn Macbeth the dangers of thinking too deeply on their deeds? 2. What is Macbeth’s state of mind after the murder? How does he now identify with himself? 4. What is Lady Macbeth’s state of mind after the murder? 3. What is Macduff’s reaction of the

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