Macbeth on Ambition

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B) How is the theme of ambition explored and presented within Macbeth?

Ambition is important within "Macbeth", the term actually meaning to striving towards some type of achievement it can be something good like doing well in school etc. however in "Macbeth" the audience can see that it is Macbeth him self having the desire to have more power. Therefore creating a negative idea of Macbeth within the play, however Lady Macbeth is not an angel her self therefore this needs to be explored throughout.

Straight from the first scene of the play it is important to note that the witches convey ideas of ambition "battles lost and won" therefore the war will show the winners and losers no one in-between. Hence readers are shown the idea of ambition that everyone will fight for the best. They are almost polarised to win everything and anything, if not they will loose and therefore fail as warriors. This is shown through the reaction of the Sergeant towards Macbeth's fighting "For brave Macbeth - well he deserves the name" he is shown like he is a saint, deserving all this glory. Also this sets out the audience expectation of Macbeth, a brave war hero, who protected the King and the people.

The importance of Macbeth is shown in Act 1 scene 3 when he arrives and a "drum beats" normally a drum is beaten when the battle is to commence, an execution is about to occur or when someone of such importance comes like a King or Queen. This may create many images to the audience of how he is so important or is foreshadowing his death? It is the audiences choice as what to think. Macbeth at the start of the play, begins of being not at all ambitions as when he is presented with the title of Thane of Cawdor "why do you dress me in borrow'd robes?" he doesn't understand why this is happening while the Thane of Cawdor lives. He doesn't believe that it is he who has deserve this
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