Macbeth In Act 1 Essay

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QUADRANT 1 “Every man must pace himself to avoid the turmoil and stress of putting out fires that he himself has started.” Sometimes people do not sit down and decide on their priorities. When this happens it can cause a misjudgment in time, overlooking of morals, and constant fear of deadlines and outcomes. Macbeth spends most of his time in quadrant 1. He always seems to be fixing things that he shouldn’t be messing with, he anticipates things that he isn’t sure will happen, and he allows himself to become wrapped up in situation that he could have easily avoided. In act one, Macbeth is given a vague and misleading prophesy by the three witches. They tell him that he will one day be king, but he thinks nothing of this initially. After the first part of the prophesy comes true, he begins to think that maybe he could one…show more content…
He stopped thinking about the feelings and opinions of people that respect him and instead began selfishly thinking about only himself. Without any morals to guide him he soon began to think of only the immediate problems. His lack of planning eventually leads to his frantic behavior and loss of self-control. He eventually just begins to kill anyone who opposes him to solve problems that he could have easily avoided if he would stop and think. Macbeth’s actions traveled along a line going from honor and respect to the killing of women, children, and his best friends. Because he lives in the first quadrant he is unable to free himself from his constant drowning in problems. “Macbeth” is a great example of how tragic one’s life can become from living in quadrant one of Covey’s four quadrant system. All over the world there are people that think only of themselves and that their lives are the most important thing ever. People need to take the time to look at themselves and think about where they are going, where they want to go, and how they can achieve what they
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