Macbeth and lady macbeth reaction to withces prophecies

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Macbeth’ and lady Macbeth’ reactions to the witches prophecy. Macbeth, coming from the battle won, appeared as a strong man, a great warrior who deserve and like his actual position. His wife, lady Macbeth, is very ambitious and has a certain passion and lust for power. The apparition of the three witches to claim and announce their prophecy to Macbeth had an essential role in the play: « All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor, thou shalt be King hereafter » was the first prophecy of the three witches in the third scene of the first act, which predicates Macbeth as a future king. However, Macbeth and lady Macbeth had a different interpretation and reaction to this prophecy. After having heard this prophecy, Macbeth, hesitating, tried to get explanation from the witches, but they disappear before answering. So Macbeth appeared anxious about this prophecy and didn’t trust it completely from the very first start. But the prophecy become true immediately when he was announced to be the new Than of Cawdor. This new event come to reduce Macbeth’s anxiety but increase his hesitation: his speech is full of opposition and wonderings « Cannot be ill, cannot be good [..] why do I yield to that suggestion ». Macbeth, after having known his future according to the prophecy, seems not sure about his feelings his ambition and cannot dissociate bad and good. He is self satisfied of his new position but he was also with the older position; so that uncertainty, created by the witches’ prophecy, makes him uncomfortable. Lady Macbeth, after having read his husband’s letter informing her about the witches’ prophecy and its partly reliability, saw her passion and lust come into play; she is sure about the prophecy effectiveness and seem ready for nothing in order to make those predications true. First she doubt of her husband’s ambition and rigorousness and she’s afraid of

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