How Do The Witches Ignite Macbeth's Desire For Power

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Macbeth: The Irresolute The Witches ignite Macbeth’s desire for power. Macbeth lives a comfortable life as the noble Thane of Glamis and lives happily with his social status. Even though his life as a husband and a loyal general to his king and country seems fulfilling, his views of his future change completely. By appearing before Macbeth and embedding ideas of power into his mind, the Three Witches cause him to produce a hunger for more wealth and power. Initially, Macbeth does not find reason in the Sisters’ fortune, but their prophecies mystify him, and he wants to hear more. The Sisters say, “All hail, Macbeth: hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!” (1.3.51). Macbeth cannot believe the Witches call him the Thane of Cawdor because the title belongs

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