Lord Of The Flies Allusions

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From the teachings of Paul the apostle, “People who are greedy fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction” (1 Timothy 6:9). In William Golding's novel Lord Of The Flies, allusions are being made to the Bible providing insight on the weakness of man to give into temptations that ultimately lead to sorrow. In the novel, Golding uses compelling aspects from the Bible such as dark powers, the Garden of Eden, and the embodiment of Jesus Christ in order to allude to the holy scriptures and how temptation wrote an unintended future filled with immense heartache and demise. The Bible and Golding's novel both depict significant events and ideologies and it is irrefutable that they…show more content…
To begin, the Garden of Eden, being one of God's most rudimentary creations, can be compared to Simon's peaceful and quiet sanctuary that he often finds himself escaping to because of its luxurious and comforting ambiance. In the novel, when Simon wandered off on his lonesome “he came to a place where more sunshine fell...the creepers had woven a great mat...a bowl of heat and light” (58). Much like the Bible's Garden of Eden, Simon's private place depicts a vibe that ululates with peaceful exuberance and an atmosphere that a sensitive person like him craves the most in times of burden. Next, an element of spiritual sanctification adds to the allusion of the Garden of Eden. In the beginning of the novel, Ralph's looks at the island in a joyful manner and he decides to take a swim in the lagoon with his new and rather plump companion (7). The allusion to the Bible is that God incorporated the religious practice of baptism during the period of the Garden of Eden's existence. Baptism resembles the transition into living life anew, and by Ralph swimming in the lagoon his inauguration into a new untrodden lifestyle has been rectified. To finish, it is important to note that one cannot completely eradicate temptation from life, and the Garden of Eden is no exception because the temptation to fear is still an evident factor. During the second meeting, the boys let a littlun named Percival let his fears be heard when an older boy says: “He says [Percival] he saw a beastie, the snake-thing, and will it come back tonight?” (35). In this allusion, the snake-thing resembles the serpent from the Garden of Eden that appears unto Eve. Just like Eve, Percival gives
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