Look Both Ways Film Techniques

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‘Look Both Ways’ is an Australian film directed by Sarah Watt, it explores the idea of fear and how people are controlled by it. All characters begin the weekend ‘with little or no relief until Monday’ and ultimately change their perspective that fate is actually in our own hands and when we can grab a hold of our fears we can take control in a world that is shown to be random and unpredictable. Not even looking both ways can save you. Meryl finds something to be scared about in every situation, she finds ways in which she will be hurt or killed by just walking down the street. Nicks diagnosis of cancer which has already taken control of his body and killed his father leaves him is a state of helplessness. Andy who rejects life altogether and…show more content…
There is nothing he can do about it until Monday, leaving him the whole weekend to contemplate his possibilities. This situation makes his reminisce about his own fathers passing of cancer harder because all he remembers is how much pain he suffered and the guilt that he wasn’t there while he was dying. When he mentions this to his mother her reaction is the most important quote in the film, “It doesn’t matter how he died, your father’s death was not the sum of his life, it doesn’t matter how life ends it matters how it was.” Nick’s life had been carefree, his work as a photographer had enabled him to travel around the world with no responsibilities. This changed when he had come back home to help out his mother and as he mentions, “I hung round cose I was a bit worried about mum, I even brought a place as an investment for the future. I thought I would live in it for awhile before I go back overseas.” This quote lets us know that in truth Nick is really looking for someone to share his life with and offer his him support whilst dealing with his cancer. Whilst Nick is ready to fight for his life, Andy is thinking of giving up on

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