Life During The Roaring 1920's

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The roaring 1920s in the United States was a thriving era, an era when many Americans lived the American dream. The Americans living during this era named this time the era in “age of excess” because many people for the very first time were able to actually afford extra luxuries they desired. This era was exposed to the new inventions and a different lifestyle than previous generations.The invention of the model T's the famous game of baseball, Prohibition and fashion all had huge impacts on the 1920 era. The people of the United States turned the corner and started to live a life a lot different than any other generation had lived in America. The Ford Model T, a very popular car invented by Ford Motor Company and owner, Henry Ford.…show more content…
Other major crimes like homicides, assault and battery also had an increase of 13 percent. Other supporters of the prohibition believed the crime rate went down during this era. That statement could be made true if the only crimes that were considered were the minor infractions like vagrancy and mischief. The minor crimes did decrease, but the major crimes had some staggering increases, like homicides and burglary went up 24 percent from 1920-1921. Even the federal crimes and mischief was a problem, a 56 percent increase during the prohibition ear. The crimes were up in count because so many of the great jobs war all gone because of the "Black Market" and increased violence. Prices were all elevated for the prohibited items, although speakeasies was not a legal item to have, many of the people did own speakeasies because of the benefit ownership did have. Owning a speakeasy may net its owner a nice profit of money, but cash was needed to make that profit. Their were New York proprietors that had estimated operation costs of $1370 per month. from the $1370 about $400 was graft funds to Federal Prohibition Agents, police officers, and the New York District Attorney. Their was a lot of people chat…show more content…
The illusion of prosperity was alive until 1929, when the stock market tumbled out of control. The farmers did not thrive with business. When the war was over, the farmers were dealt a huge debt. Some advanced technology helped farmers increase production, but this seemed to increase the debts as growing surpluses made decreased prices. Consumer was the backbone of the economic growth. To increase consumer spending, consumer credit was increased, installment payment plans were offered to families to spend. This increased spending with credit and reckless spending made such a superficial prosperity that crashed the 1929 stock market. The development of the unions went in the reverse that many expected, and many businesses wanted the open shop welfare capitalism. The United States recovered fro the worst depression in history. To finish this assignment, the coming financial melt down will be a lot worse that 1929. One thing history does is repeat itself. The warning signs are all over, extended credit, printing of currency that has devaluated 96 percent since December 1913. In the 1920 era the government played a crucial role on how the economy was operating. The same goes for today. The Federal Reserve does this and the check and balances that were put in place to ensure December 1929 would never happen have all been removed and are not in
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