Leading Causes of Death 2008 vs 1900

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Leading Causes of Death in 2008 vs. 1900 Leading Cause of Death: Definition and Process Leading causes of death are defined as underlying cause of death categories or major ICD (International Cause of Death) groupings that usually account for large numbers of deaths within a specified population group and time period (National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems, n.d.). The information is a useful indication of a population’s health status and also used to develop necessary public health programs. Death certificates allow for the reporting of the medical conditions that the medical certifier attributes to causing or contributing to death. In order to effectively evaluate the reported mortality information, the conditions listed by the medical certifier are coded using standard cause of death classification categories developed by the World Health Organization. The cause of death coding system currently used in the United States is described in the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems, n.d.). The rules for ranking leading causes of death were developed by National Center of Health Statistics (NCHS) and the states around 1950, to provide uniformity in identifying the leading causes of death. Cause-of-death titles change from time-to-time due to the periodic revision of the classification used to show cause of death. The classification is revised to incorporate and capture changes in medical knowledge but the revisions, in some instances, do create breaks in the comparability of a cause of death between two years. Comparison of the Leading Causes of Death in 2008 and 1900 Within this paper I will compare the leading causes of death in 2008 and 1900. Additionally, I will discuss the 21 century achievements in

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