Leadership In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Lord Of The Flies One is not born a leader one is made a leader, the hard part of being a leader though is choosing whether or not to be a good or a bad one. The boys had to choose follow Ralph and be rescued, follow Jack and not starve, or follow Piggy and loose all popularity. Golding used his experiences in WWII in his novel Lord of The Flies. Of his WW II experiences, he used the leadership of Hitler to represent Jacks way of leading the boys. Golding uses the leadership styles of the united states leader to represent how ralph leads the boys. Golding does not use a leader to represent Piggy, When Golding created the book he made it so that Piggy was an outcast but he knew what was right. Golding creates three main leaders in his novel Ralph, Jack, and Piggy but they did not become leaders by birth they became leaders through the circumstances they were put through, Ralph became leader by votes but…show more content…
The boys had to choose follow Ralph and be rescued, follow Jack and not starve, or follow Piggy and loose all popularity. Golding used his experiences in WWII in his novel Lord of The Flies. Of his WW II experiences, he used the leadership of Hitler to represent Jacks way of leading the boys. Golding uses the leadership styles of the united states leader to represent how ralph leads the boys. Golding does not use a leader to represent Piggy, When Golding created the book he made it so that Piggy was an outcast but he knew what was right. Golding creates three main leaders in his novel Ralph, Jack, and Piggy but they did not become leaders by birth they became leaders through the circumstances they were put through, Ralph became leader by votes but why did Ralph get voted leader? The boys ended up following Jack but why did they? Piggy did not follow anybody he made his own rules, why was Piggy a real leader all
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