Language Planning Essay

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HONOURING ENGLISH MEG -04 What is Language planning? What are the three types of language planning? What are the major considerations that language planners have to bear in mind? What are the limitations of language planning? Language planning is a deliberate effort to influence the function, structure, or acquisition of languages or language variety within a speech community. It is often associated with government planning, but is also used by a variety of non-governmental organizations, such as grass-roots organizations and even individuals. The goals of language planning differ depending on the nation or organization, but generally include making planning decisions and possibly changes for the benefit of communication. Planning or improving effective communication can also lead to other social changes such as language shift or assimilation, thereby providing another motivation to plan the structure, function and acquisition of languages. Language planning is any attempt to change a language. Various language planners are motivated by linguistic assimilation, linguistic pluralism, vernacularization, and internationalization philosophies. Language planning can be accomplished through status, corpus, or acquisition planning. There are three kinds of language planning are: Corpus planning: making changes in the structure of a language. In ethnic languages a linguistic institution may introduce new expressions and new words (or officialise words that have entered the language recently). Making grammars, dictionaries, and an orthography and introducing orthographic reforms - are part of the establishing of a linguistic norm for a language, or the changing of an older norm. Linguistic purism also belongs to corpus planning. There is no abyss between ethnic languages and planned languages that are built on ethnic languages regarding corpus planning, only a scalar
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