Karen Horney Essay

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Karen Horney PSYC305/ History and Systems of Psychology Dr. Tara Revell Karen Horney Karen Horney’s work and theories carry echoes of the influences and disturbances in her childhood and adult life particularly with regard to her personality theory which is linked to her own personal life experiences. The point of this paper is to illustrate Karen’s private life to establish the impact of her life experiences on her personality theory and her career. Biography Quinn (1987) carried out extensive research regarding this courageous, multifaceted and unique psychoanalyst who was brave enough to openly and vociferously oppose Freud’s perceptions and studies regarding women. With her customary brilliance, Horney studied the narcissistic personality which foresaw the advent of self-psychology. Biography of Honey is incomplete without analyzing her work for as Quinn has shown, Horney’s brilliant psychoanalytic philosophies and her troubled personal life are inextricably intertwined and by tracing the history of her work, one sees the link between the theories she espoused and studied as well as her lapses into depression, her struggle to understand herself and her continual journey to find and accept closeness and love. Born in Blankenese near Hamburg, Germany on September 16, 1885, Karen Horney was the second child of Clotilde (Sonni) Ronzelen and Berndt Wackels Danielsen. Her father, a sea captain hailing from Bergen, Norway, was a strict, conservative man, used to commanding fear, respect and demanding obedience while her mother Clotilde, the descended of an illustrious Dutch-German family, was perceived as a liberal, non conformist and scholarly woman (Jones, 1989). Despite the presents he bought her and the adventurous excursions he took her on, Karen felt neglected by her father

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