Jefferson Vs Marshall

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Question: John Marshall left a more significant legacy on American government than his more famous cousin, Thomas Jefferson. Assess the validity of this statement. John Marshall and Thomas Jefferson were two leaders that greatly influenced the rest of American history. Jefferson, the third president, helped America achieve a greater democracy and expanded the United States territory. However, Marshall completely renovated the judicial branch implementing new policies that would remain a part of United States government through court case rulings and his federalist ideals. Marshall, one of the Midnight Judges, was appointed Chief Justice of the United States by John Adams in the last few weeks of his presidency. Throughout his 34 year term, Marshall reshaped the American government and made the Supreme Court the final interpreter of the Constitution. He reinforced the idea that the Court has the power to overrule the Congress, the states, the President, and all lower courts. One of his most famous rulings was the Marbury vs Madison case, which established the principle of judicial review, the power of the Supreme Court to rule whether or not a law is constitutional or not. This brought the government under the law for the first time. Another case that influenced the way America was governed was the McCullouch vs. Maryland case. Marshall ruled that the states could not pass laws that violated the constitution. Marshall also persuaded his fellow justices to adopt a new way of delivering opinions. Instead of each justice expressing his own opinion, Marshall convinced them to agree to deliver one opinion on behalf of all the judges. Altogether, John Marshall left a long lasting legacy on the American justice system by pushing the idea of a stronger federal government and weaker state governments. Although John Marshall left a more significant legacy
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