Informative on Jack from the Lord of the Flies

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Jack represents the dark side of human nature. In the beginning, he was eager to be chief and punish whoever broke the rules. However, he consistently broke them and went hunting. This began his hunger for meat. He painted his face like a barbarian. When he saw his face, he "began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling" (Golding 64). Jack lost interest in civilization, which is why he didn't feel guilty for not keeping the fire going and help improve the survival of the tribe. He lured the group of boys by the promises of meat, play, and freedom. Jack represents the irrational nature of the boys, while Ralph represents common sense. With Jack in power, the dark side of humanity is unleashed. He punished other children, started the frenzy that lead to the murder of Simon, and tortured the twins until they followed him and his tribe. On the night of Simon's death, Jack had gone mad with power. He sat on a large log "painted and garlanded . . . like an idol" while "power . . . chattered in his ear like an ape" (Golding 149). Most of the tribe followed Jack in embracing violence and savagery. This ended when Jack leads the boys in an attempt to hunt Ralph. By then, the last remaining traces of civilization were gone, but Ralph's death is prevented by a naval officer, who is disappointed by their savage nature. In the end, Jack ceased to acknowledge that he was chief and responsible for "having a war" (Golding 201) when a grown up is there. Therefore, Jack is the perfect example of the worst aspects of human nature when left alone by

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