Influence of the Second Great Awakening

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The Second Great Awakening in the North influenced Abolitionism by increasing the number of people who support black rights. The Second Great Awakening also influenced Utopian Societies by gaining support for the socialist cause. When the evangelical leaders preached equality, many people joined the abolitionist cause because they felt they should bring salation to all humans, including blacks. Others, interpreted differently, and they sought to improve conditions of all society members; they joined the socialist group. Because more people were following the great religious movement, more people were motivated to join groups they felt were reflected their beliefs. The Second Great Awakening was a religious revival in the late eighteenth and early to mid nineteenth century. It was confined primarily to the northern region of the United States. The movement was based on the belief that “heaven on earth” was possible here on earth through laborious effort. A prominent leader, Charles Finney, argued against the Calvinist belief that our lives were predetermined; he also argued against French deism, which was linked with the French Revolution. The movement gained popularity because people wanted to believe that they could determine their own fate. The movement marked emphasis on purifying and transforming the world into a better place for all. Personal piety was valued higher than established schooling and theology during this era. The Second Great Awakening influenced Abolitionism by motivating people to act upon their religious beliefs, and many joined the abolitionist cause. Many felt that it incorporated their new religion’s teachings. The evangelist preachers taught equality, and abolitionists thought slavery violated basic rights of man. Many of the abolitionists were in fact a part of the religious movement. Thomas Clarkson, an evangelical reformer, was the
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