Imperialism In Nigeria Research Paper

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Nigeria The British colonized Nigeria in the 1800’s. This brought Western civilization and modernization to Nigeria. The British wanted control over lands. It colonized and gained control over Nigeria. These could be viewed as positives. Colonization destroyed cultures, heritages and communities. Educated and intelligent people were deployed to other regions. Tight knit groups were disengaged and torn apart. Nigerians were exploited for their resources and people. Even African treasures and artwork were stolen by Britain. Colonization hit the Nigerian's in many negative aspects rather than positives. World War II, the war created great economic strains, manifested particularly in the decline in real wages and the drop in living standards. During The Great Depression and World War II, Britain did not put money into Nigeria and as a result the economy fell. Great Britain would control what would come out in in of Nigeria. Workers wages, prices controlled and control over imports. Nigerians fought for their independence in 1945. Nigerian workers made a huge general strike against it all and it lasted for 45 days. It was a giant statement to Great Britain. Over 40,000 workers went on strike. This was very impressionable and it made a large impact on Nigeria.…show more content…
In the early 80's, there was evidence of military corruption. WAI, short for War Against Indiscipline, uncovered corruption in the ranks of government and society. In the 90's, the government allowed old politicians to the presidential election. Such politician bought with them illegal activities, corruption, and violence. Preceded by the presidential election, it was annulled and a riot took place resulting in violence and death. In the late 1990's in order to curb corruption and inflation, petrol was raised by 38%. In the end of the 90's, finally, all parties agreed on a president, General Sani Abacha. Ironically, he died of an unexpected heart
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