Impact of environmental ethics on Christianity

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The environment has only recently been recognised as a concern and thus placed on the agenda of Christian Churches with the use of environmental ethics. These ethics are a part of environmental philosophy which considers the ethical relationship between humans and the natural environment. Ethical teachings in Christianity are based on the three fundamental issues upon which the creation stories are based. These teachings have been derived from biblical traditions highlighting the fact that God is the creator of all things, what God created was good and that human beings have stewardship and responsibility over these creations. It is therefore believed that humans must work in conjunction with God to ensure that the fragile environment is nurtured and protected. For Christians, sources of guidance in reference to these environmental ethics include the bible, past historical theologians and modern leaders and groups. The prevailing view that humans were superior and in charge of all creation and could therefore do what they willed with the environment, has entailed a misunderstanding of Christian stewardship of the earth. However, through reference back to biblical texts, the Christian Church has re-examined their approach towards the environment. In today’s growing world, there is an increasing awareness of an environmental crisis. Biblical tradition demands that all Christians realise their responsibility over the environment. As stated in genesis 1:26-28, “Human kind was given authority over, and responsibility for creation and the earth.” Because of this, it can be said that many Christians are ignoring the message of the Book of Genesis, as we are approaching an environmental disaster. Three particular issues in which ethical guidance can be found in the Bible, are global warming, deforestation and pollution. In regards to deforestation and
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