"Ill Thy Assistant Be." with Close Reference to the Text Explain What Friar Lawrence Does to Assist Romeo and How His Action Alter the Course of Events in the Play- Romeo and Juliet

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Friar Lawrence, in this play, helps Romeo to fulfill his desires of marrying Juliet and always has good intentions for Romeo. In the second act, Romeo was in a hurry to marry Juliet, and he pleads with the Friar to conduct their marriage as Romeo was in "haste". Friar Lawrence agrees to this plea, in the hope that the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues would end and that the marriage will bring the families to make peace with each other. However, his intentions are destroyed when Romeo and Juliet commit suicide for each other and die because of their sworn love for each other. This is because in the play, Juliet refused to marry Paris and so the Friar offers his help again and gives her a special potion that makes her appear dead. His intentions were to bring Romeo, who was banished, and Juliet back together again and this could be done if Juliet did not marry Paris. He wanted Juliet to go to Mantva where Romeo was. The Friar's good intentions are destroyed again when Friar John fails to deliver the message clearly of Juliet's plans of using the special potion and go to Mantva to Romeo. Romeo misunderstands this and believes Juliet is dead. He then buys a poison for himself and kills himself when Juliet wa playing dead. Juliet wakes up to find Romeo dead and even though Friar Lawrence pleads with her to refrain from killing herself, Juliet stabs herself and dies with Romeo. Friar Lawrence was always in favour of the two lovers and he did his best to bring good to them. However, fate changed his good intentions for the worse ans brought much tragedy to the lives of Romeo and

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