Ideal Couple Essay

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Lauren DesJardine Mr. Leali College Composition Period 6 26 March 2015 Unconditional Love Love is the making of an ideal couple. A couple that doesn’t have to have smiles and giggles forever. A couple that can get through any obstacle that comes in their way by working together. A couple that you can instantly see the love that they have for one other by just the way they look at each other. A couple that can make each other laugh and knows each other better than any one else does. A couple waking up and accepting their partner having bad breath and kissing them anyway. It's holding their hair back when they're sick. It's going months without seeing each other and missing them more every second. A couple that goes through all the fights and all the jealousy; it's all the tears shed and all the anger, but getting through it. It's feeling all the negatives and still coming out of it all together. To the ideal couple love doesn't totally go away, ever. Love can be avoided and tossed out, but all the memories will always be there. It's easily mistaken by all ages and not as easily found. When you do find your ideal person, instinctively you will do everything in your power to test them and see if they can handle you, your family, and your friends. You push it to the limit. A couple that can fight over every little thing they can find but work it out calmly and fairly. A couple that accepts one another and all their faults. A couple that doesn’t worry about the little things. They accept the little mistakes that each other make. Talk everything out. Most importantly fight like hell but also fight like hell to keep them. An ideal couple is two people that are there for each other through anything and that have unconditional
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