Hookahs are marketed as being a safe alternative to cigarettes. This claim is false. The water does not filter out many of the toxins. In fact, hookah smoke has been shown to contain concentrations of toxins, such as carbon monoxide, nicotine, “tar,” and heavy metals, that are as high or higher than are seen with cigarette smoke. Several types of cancer, including lung cancer, have been linked to hookah smoking.
People find it bizarre that the tobacco age is 18, but the drinking age is 21? People care more about alcohol than they do tobacco products, but tobacco is one of the leading killers in the U.S. today. Allowing 18 year olds to start ingesting tobacco products, such as cigarettes or chewing tobacco, at the age of only 18 will give them an earlier start to becoming addicted, and in the long run, shorten their life span. Some think it is absurd letting people smoke, but they cannot go out with friends and drink. Smoking and drinking are both addictive and can have negative effects if used improperly, but smoking one cigarette is more harmful than drinking one beer.
How Does Secondhand Smoke Affect Other People How Secondhand Smoke Affects Other People Smoking is bad for your health, but most of you do not understand that you do not have to smoke to be affected by smoke. Secondhand smoke can cause the same affects to others as smoking does to the smoker. It harms not only yourself and those around you, but your children as well. There are many diseases and deaths that come not from smoking, but from secondhand smoke alone. Affects of secondhand smoke includes: heart disease, cancer, and asthma.
Some smokers feel as if they may not be able to do anything without take at least one cigarette before any event. Others may believe that smoking is more of a stress reliever or believe that it decelerates traumatic situations. Cigarette smokers are willing to become extremely combative if not unwind without smoking. Countless smokers that will become extraordinarily violent or demonstrate nerve-racking behavior and the only way for them to act normal are by taking a few puffs from their favorite brand of cigarettes. Behavior from smokers can vary from person to person, but it is also
Despite the stigma of cigarette smoking for multiple reasons, such as the risks to one’s health, the impact it has on one’s looks (ie. premature aging and negative results on oral health), the inherent weakness inferred when one develops an addiction, and the social slights that one may experience as more and more non-smoking laws are passed for the public, new users light up every day. Often these new smokers are underage. The fact that cigarette use is illegal for those under age 18, has not stopped children from becoming smokers. B. Analyze the extent to which the social problem affects the United States.
Although alcohol is legal, it does not mean that it is better for you. There are arguments going both ways where people suggest that marijuana should be legal because alcohol is more deadly, while there are alcoholics that would say smoking weed is bad for you. Both substances are bad for your health and should not be used heavily by anyone. Marijuana has an immediate effect on the user, which last for about two hours after smoking. A person drinking alcohol may start to feel the effects after just one drink, and recover depending on how much the person drank, body weight, and how much they may have had to eat before drinking.
After smoking cigarettes, tobacco, or cigars, some people don’t want to quit because they think they will gain weight. Most people don’t quit because of that which makes them less healthy than being overweight. If you have ever been sick and had to take medicine, then that would be taking drugs, but not in a bad way
Kids Health website states, “Over the long term, smoking leads people to develop health problems like heart disease, stroke, emphysema (breakdown of lung tissue), and many types of cancer.” (“Smoking”). Second, cigarettes also cause numerous cosmetic problems such as; bad breath, yellow teeth, and bad skin. “Nicotine and the other toxins in cigarettes, cigars, and pipes can affect a person's body quickly.” (“Smoking”). Not only does the first hand smoke of a cigarette affect the smoker, the second hand smoke can harm people near smokers. The chemicals in cigarettes stay in the exhaled smoke, making second hand smoke dangerous to inhale.
One of the largest controversial subjects today is the debate on e-cigarettes and regular use of tobacco products (cigarettes). There have been many individuals that have decided to try these e-cigarettes to see if it would help them quit smoking traditional cigarettes. When an individual wants to quit smoking there are many ways that this can be done which include laying the cigarettes down and never picking them back up, going to a physician to see if medication would help or nicotine patches. However, with a lot of individuals it sometimes makes things more difficult than better. One thing that may make this difficult is the medication to help one quit smoking, For example, a medication that is sometimes used is Chantix.
And what some fail to understand is that the legal drinking age of 21 is supported by a majority of the public, and for very good reasons such as helping prevent underage binge drinking. These are brief examples as to why the legal drinking age should stay at 21 and not be lowered. Lowering the drinking age to 18 would be completely medically irresponsible. Alcohol consumption interferes with the development of the frontal lobes that are vital for emotional regulation, preparing and planning, and for organizational skills. Alcohol can put this sort of development to a stop, which puts the young adult at a much higher risk for addiction, depression, violence, and increases the chances of suicide.