Human Activity in the Amazon Rainforest

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HUMAN ACTIVITY IN THE AMAZON RAINFOREST Amazonia or Amazon rainforest covers more than half of Brazil and it's the world's largest tropical rainforest. It's been named "Lungs of the Planet" because nearly 20% of the world's oxygen is produced by it. Its name comes from the Amazon river, the largest river system in the world, with 1,100 tributaries and a drainage basin of 2,700,000 sq. miles. Native Amazonians have lived there for over 20,000 years now. However different in dialects spoken, customs and levels of bellicosity, they all share and developed their own ways of life in harmony with nature. The people who call the Amazon rainforest home are known as "native Amazonians". They live by a process called "shifting cultivation", where they live in one area and farm it and move on to a new area when the land is no longer cultivable. This method does not harm the forest and allows it to recover naturally. The native people use the wood and foliage of the forest to build huge houses. They cut down trees to create farmland and gain the materials they need to build and feed the fires. The ashes from the fires are returned to the ground and provide all kinds of nutrients for the soil. Everything the people take from the forest they give back in one way or another, making their way of life very economically friendly and not harmful to the forest. Native Amazonians do not just farm crops such as manioc, yams, beans and pumpkins, they also hunt and fish. After five harvests, the land is too damaged to use again and the people more on, however due to the increasing use of the forest by commercial businesses, the land available to these people to farm has reduced and the native people are forced to return to areas they have already used before it has had time to fully recover (a process that takes up to 50 years). These Tribes each have some very bizzare

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