Huck Finn Analytical Essay

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The personality of Huck Finn is a dilemma which Mark Twain enforces the readers to struggle during the reading process, Twain’s decision creates a tension throughout the book and demands a great thinking about the personality of the main character. Some might ask if Huck Finn is an embodiment of controversy or is he showing a constant moral growth during his journey or he shifts between being thoughtful adventurer, and just a society follower? The character’s controversy seems obvious to some, while others think that the development of the relationship with Jim is the building force of his mental growth. Huck is a child that experiences the reality of the world, the influence that Tom Sawyer and society produce on him, and being a kid in this reality he tries to create a comfortable entourage for himself, meaning being thoughtful and independent – creating his own rules. The street smartness, adventurous sense and willingness to make changes are the finger-prints of his background. Throughout the book Huck shows the ability to stand up for these values which, together with the close relationship with Jim, enables him to change his vision about the society and the relationship between people of different race. As a result he achieves mental growth. In 1964-65 William Manierre wrote that Huck’s moral growth has been vastly overestimated and that all of his achievements are undermined by his easy acceptance of Tom Sawyer’s scheme in the last ten chapters. There is a huge history behind those two and the acceptance of Sawyer’s scheme is very understandable. Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer are long-time friends which the author, Mark Twain, stated right in the beginning of the book “Tom and me found the money that the robbers hid in the cave, and it made us rich” (2). This episode shows the readers that they are friends and the relationship between them is very close
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