Hrm 531 Research Paper

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Labor Unions and Companies American Airlines and Allied Pilots Association Week 1 HRM 531 Christina Sergio August 27, 2012 “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” - Sir Winston Churchill It is said History repeats itself. Furthermore, mistakes are repeated too, if not learned why it was a mistake, or that it was even a mistake at all, Presently, there is talk of concern that history is repeating itself in the airline industry. American Airlines filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy, and are viewing strategic options, including a possible merger deal with US Airways. However, American and its parent AMR Corporation announced they had confidence in the restructure plan’s objective for the airline…show more content…
The pay was low and when willing to work for less entered the job market, the pay went lower. Sometimes pilots were required to fly more than 120 hours a month, in bad weather and against their better judgment. But company management made it clear that if a pilot didn’t want to fly, there was always one who would. The first pilot union was formed in 1930, by a small group of pilots who set up the Airline Line Pilots Association (A.L.P.A.), an organization that would go on American Airlines pilots. A.P.A. was founded in 1963 to provide all of the traditional union representation services for its members, plus includes the lobbying of airline pilots views to Congress and government agencies. In addition, it devotes more than 20 percent of its dues income to support aviation safety. Organizationally, A.P.A. is led by three national officers, a president, a vice president, and a secretary-treasurer, elected by the membership at large to serve three-year terms working out of the association's headquarters office. The Board of Directors serves as the policy-making body of the…show more content…
Pilots turned down American's last and final contract offer, with a 61 percent of those that voted. According to A.P.A.’s former president, ratifying the tentative agreement would have been the best course for the pilot members, for the pilots could face stricter terms should the judge overseeing American's bankruptcy allow the airline to end its current contract with the union. Union organizers claim this decision by the pilots shows they have not forgotten that several years ago, with bankruptcy looming for the airline, all employee groups chose to sacrifice pay and benefits to keep American Airlines solvent. While other airlines, pursuing traditional methods, filed for

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