How To Evaluate Wolsey's Domestic Policy

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Do you accept the view in source V that Wolsey’s domestic policies were disappointing? Source V by Ian Dawson describes Wolsey to have carried ‘’an air of disappointment’’ implying immediately that his criticism on Wolsey’s domestic policies are to be of a negative view. The source states how Wolsey had ‘’promised more than was delivered’’ which again says Wolsey had disappointed in what he had said he would do and wasn’t able to live up to his word in delivering the ‘’promised’’ policies. So in total, source T portrays an image of discontent in Wolsey’s domestic policies due to the limited change seen on his part in bringing around the policies expected. However we know that had passed enough policies to cause a stir in society especially with the nobility where he would treat the ‘equal’ to the less privileged by for example taking away their enclosures of land and prohibiting any further enclosures to take place. Source T has backed up the negative stance on Wolsey’s domestic policies as seen with source, stating “his hostility towards the nobility…caused him the greatest irritation” suggesting Wolsey to have be intimidating towards the nobility in terms of introducing the new domestic policies which would have caused hatred on the nobility side towards him. However I cannot agree with this viewpoint as we must take into account the nature and origin of the source as we know the creator…show more content…
This therefore leads us to be cautious of the source as it isn’t as reliable as we may think as it is very
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