How the Knights of Labor and American Federation of Labor Used Strategies to Advance the Interests of Workers

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Following the Civil War, labor became a necessity and the rising cost of living provided a crucial incentive to unionization. From 1875 to 1925, the nation experienced several labor upheavals because of labor issues and the rise of big unions. While the Knights of Labor were not very successful at improving the interests of workers due to their idealistic and more radical strategies, the American Federation of Labor was more successful because of their peaceful and pragmatic stance. The Knights of Labor was founded in Philadelphia in 1969 by Uriah H. Stevens, but was structured as a secret society for ten years. The transition of the Knights from a secret organization to a major labor union started when Terence Powderly was elected in 1879 and became public in 1881. This organization promoted a variety of reforms including the eight-hour workday, equal pay for women, a graduated income tax, increased regulation of corporations, and termination to child and convict labor. Similar to the National Labor Union, The Knights of Labor sought to include all workers in “one big union”; they proposed to organize both skilled and unskilled workers in the same union and welcomed blacks and women. Through working towards an industrial union, excluding those of Chinese descent and nonproducers, the Knights of Labor increased its membership to nearly 750,000 in 1886. In its primary years, the Knights of Labor opposed the practice of strikes and simply preferred peaceful boycotts. However, by the mid-1880s, labor stoppages had become an effective strategy for this organization and they began to lead several. This strategy helped the Knights win important strikes on the Union Pacific in 1884 and the Wabash Railroad in 1885, but failed to bring them success towards others such as the Great Southwest Railroad Strike in 1886. Another strategy the Knights of Labor used was the

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