How Far Were The Reports Of Booth And Rowntree...

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How far were the reports on poverty by Booth and Rowntree responsible for the Liberal Social Reforms 1906-1914?In the periods of 1906-1914 there was a series of reforms introduced by the liberal party. They were mainly introduced to tackle social issues in British society. What was responsible for the Liberal Social Reforms is often debated. Some claim that Booth and Rowntrees reports were the most influential factors in the introduction of Liberal Social Reforms as the reports were the first major indicators of poverty in Britain through the evaluation of poverty in York and London. However, other factors should not be discounted as many factors led to Liberal Social Reforms introduction. The factors included are: Laissez-Faire Downfall, National Efficiency & National Security and Parliamentary Development .The Booth and Rowntrees reports highlighted to the Government that poverty was a larger national problem than once thought. Booths report established that in London just under a 3rd of people lived in poverty, while Rowntree‘s report supported the findings as York was in a similar state - Rowntree claimed many families could not afford necessities, therefore they were in poverty. The families in poverty would normally include either the young or the old, sometimes both. This informed liberals that the ‘welfare’ that the poor law provided, was not working. It could be said that this led to the introduction of reform acts in order to tackle the poverty felt by the young and the old. The Old Age Pensions Act was introduced in 1908 and provided the over 70’s with income to tackle their poverty. It was far more dignified than the provisions provided to the elderly prior to this as, unlike the poor law, it provided no shame to the people. One of the Acts passed to aid children was the Administrative Provision Act which appealed to the idea of National efficiency. The
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