How Far Was Trotsky’s Own Misjudgements Account for His Failure in the Power Struggle Following Lenin’s Death

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How far was Trotsky’s own misjudgements account for his failure in the power struggle following Lenin’s death. Trotsky’s misjudgements were a big part of his failure, Trotsky had missed opportunities in which he could have taken the change to take control but instead failed to rise to the opportunities and let Stalin, seem to walk all over him, a major event was Lenin’s funeral in which Trotsky didn’t arrive due to bizarre behaviour and Stalin’s manipulation. The division in opinion toward the NEP was also a big problem because Trotsky was against the NEP, but due to Stalin saying Lenin had agreed the NEP as a way of ending the famine, caused by war communism, Trotsky was disloyal to Lenin for criticizing the NEP but this made Trotsky seem a traitor toward LENIN who had agreed the NEP even though it was against Communist principles – played on by Stalin because he said it was a reverse to the policy of capitalism. His constant attack on party bureaucracy was also a problem because it made Trotsky a very unpopular figure within the Bolshevik party. However it wasn’t just Trotsky’s misjudgements that accounted for his failure it was the strength of Stalin that undermined Trotsky’s power and the opposition of both Kamenev and Zinoviev that made Trotsky weak. It was his misjudgement in failing to act against Stalin criticizing destroying him that was his weakness allowing Stalin to topple him. Trotsky had many misjudgements that made him weak and disliked, his opinion over the NEP put him in a very difficult situation he believed that the NEP was a reverse in Bolshevism and that it wasn’t a very good policy for Russia to obey if it were to turn communist, but Trotsky’s opinion wasn’t very respected due to him not being a Bolshevik from the beginning and having a sense of betrayal to the Russian people. Trotsky also only attacked the party bureaucracy which Lenin
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