How Far Do Sources 2 and 3 Support the Impression Given in Source 1 of the Way Bevan Dealt with Medical Profession in 1948? Explain Your Answer, Using Evidence of Sources 1, 2 and 3.

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The impression that source one gives is that Bevan forced the National Health Service on unwilling medical professionals in 1948. Details from the source show this impression through representational techniques such as the size of ‘Matron Bevan’ compared to the doctors. The large size of Bevan indicates directly to the strength of his power and position, in contrast to the small size of the doctors. This shows that the doctors had no chance of standing up to Bevan and had to do as he said. The source details illustrate the doctor’s opposition the NHS through the sick faces and general unhappiness of the cartoon doctors as they line up to take their ‘medicine’ from the NHS labelled pot. “It still tastes awful” this quote shows the doctors unwilling acceptance of the NHS as they are swallowing the ‘medicine’ but the nasty taste it leaves in their mouths show that it wasn’t happily done. Source two has the same impression as source one; medical professionals were forced to accept the National Health Service by Bevan. Details from this source show this as it says, “…there will be a considerable degree of ratting…” This means that the doctors will give up the fight because Bevan is too powerful to stand up to. Source 3 also referrers to Bevan being powerful as it says ‘I won only by stuffing their mouths with gold” This implies that the doctors had no choice with the language used, for example ‘stuffing’. In source two it states “Unfortunately, the economic sanctions which Bevan can draw against us are grim…” The source also shows how the doctors were unhappy with the NHS scheme. “…90 per cent vote amongst doctors against the National Health Service Act, and tempers are rising on all sides.” This supports the impression and messages that source one and three present. In source three it states ‘I won them over only by stuffing their mouths with gold.’ This gives the

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