Homecoming Essay

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Typically schools have one night or even a whole day dedicated to homecoming. This depends on the importance of homecoming to a school. At my high school, homecoming is so important that there is a day set out solely for final preparations and then another day for the actual homecoming. I never understood the importance of our homecoming parade until this past year. I went to the parade and football game when I was younger but I just saw it as simply a fun social event. In sixth grade, I walked in the parade when I played my first and only year of youth football. It was just to show I was a football player in my mind, nothing special. Once I hit the tenth grade I had joined the football team. This disallowed me to attend the parade, because the football players were required to be in the locker room in the morning. This policy employed by our coach kept our focus on the game and to not get caught up in the festivities. As a football player, the game was the most important part of the day. Every alumnus possible comes back for the day and the highlight event is the football game. Your goal is to win the game for the pride of the community. The last event of the day is the Homecoming dance which is later at night. This event is special to the student body because the focus is solely on them and the atmosphere is energetic and fun, but if the football team wins earlier in the day, the student body becomes raucous and uncontrollable. The parade in the morning opens up the festivities of Homecoming day taking place in front of the middle school which sits in front of the football stadium.. The streets are lined with students, alumni, and citizens adorned in the school colors of red, white, and blue. The scene is picturesque with the surrounding homes, library, school, trees, and other landscape. The plaza adjacent to the school where you find the local subway,pizza
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