History Of Community Nursing Matrix

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University of Phoenix Material

History of Community Nursing Matrix

Complete the matrix with the following concepts, and relate the concepts to two different periods of time in history and the present time:

• Describe each period briefly. • Clarify the differences during each period with public health nursing and community health nursing. • Describe the key health issues. • Identify community health partnerships used during this period of time. • Describe how Watson’s Theory of Human Transpersonal Caring is related.

| |Historical time |Nursing role in community |Major health issues |Partnerships used |Watson’s theory |
| |period | | | | |
|Past period 1 |Colonial Period |“The care of the sick was |“Early colonial public |“Many problems revolved |Watsons theory was |
| | |usually informal and was |health efforts included |around se ports and so the|probably more applied|
| | |provided |the collection |government stepped in as a|during this time |
| | |by household members, |of vital statistics, |partnership to help |period than in the |
| | |almost always women. The |improved sanitation, and |support the public health |world war II time |
| | |female |control of |effort of keeping the sea |period in some |
| | |head of the household was |any communicable diseases|ports free of disease” |instances. The care |
| |
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