Higher Median Income Hypothesis

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Table of Contents Executive Summary and Hypothesis 3 Discussion 4 Conclusions 5 Annotated Bibliography 6 Bibliography 7 Appendix 8 Data Sets 9 Charts & Graphs 5 Table of Descriptive Statistics 11 Confidence Interval 14 Hypothesis Testing 18 Regression Model 19 ABSTRACT/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Capstone will research the correlation between particular states, and how the commuting time relates to median income. The data collected will show that states with higher median incomes show commuters with shorter commuter time to their work place. This Capstone will research the correlation between particular states, and how the commuting time relates to median income. The data collected did not show that states with higher…show more content…
Table 3 (page 14), Descriptive Statistics, shows there is no discrepancies on the low or high side, which means that our statistics should be more true based on our findings. Table 4 (page 17), Confidence Interval Tables, shows that even though there is a variance between states in the incomes, the vast majority fall into a small variance, a few thousand dollars on either side. Table 5 (page 18), Hypothesis Testing, suggests the states have a smaller commute time than the mean of all of the states. Table 6 (page 19), a Regression Model, shows that the two charts show an 18% significance between the two. It therefore proves that commute time is not effected, as we believed, by commute time. Therefore, our hypothesis cannot be proven soley with the data provided with the data sets we chose (page 9), and thus we refer to The Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings and the Gallup poll published in 2007 that suggest our hypothesis was correct, ie., workers in higher income households are more likely to report having a longer round-trip commute to work than workers in lower income

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